November 16, 2021 marked Open Learning's inaugural "Day of Thanks," consisting of myriad opportunities to partner with innovative and impactful nonprofit organizations instituting change throughout the area. As a recognized and established global leader in diverse and dynamic industries, it's integral to MIT's success that dedicated personnel continue to assume an active role in community stewardship. That vision and commitment helped spearhead a rewarding and enriching day of service.
While our collaborating organizations each possessed unique traits and missions, all shared an overarching and steadfast passion for the people they engage. Open Learners were afforded the opportunity to contribute to one of three creative enterprises throughout the day.
Those who elected to bolster the aims of Hildebrand Family Self Help Center extracted a more nuanced understanding of the pressing issues facing those confronting housing insecurity. Hildebrand furnishes temporary and permanent housing, along with essential consumer goods, to area residents. Open Learners actively engaged with these values by organizing Hildebrand's commissary and facilitating a more seamless experience for clients.

Others ventured to Somerville's Food for Free where earnest individuals rescue healthy and sustainable foodstuffs that would otherwise migrate to area landfills. Salvaging and repurposing these nutritious offerings allow underserved populations to benefit from economically accessible and healthy meal options. Open Learners furthered these aims through the construction and packaging of provision boxes for local families.
Our final partnership with CASPAR (Cambridge and Somerville Program for Addiction Recovery) offered two avenues for combating food insecurity. A detachment of staffers convened at Open Learning headquarters to prepare bagged lunches for our area's homeless citizens. CASPAR distributes these lunches each day, making massive progress in reaching an elusive population. The second CASPAR contingent visited CASPAR's premises where they baked holiday cookies in anticipation of CASPAR's Thanksgiving outreach efforts.
Overall, a palpable sense of gratitude overcame Open Learning at the conclusion of our "Day of Thanks." This gratitude stemmed from the luxuries we often overlook as well as the good fortune of working at an organization that prioritizes uplifting marginalized individuals. Given the success and resoundingly positive feedback, it's a foregone conclusion that the "Day of Thanks" will become a fixture at Open Learning.